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Student Information

How can you be involved?

  1. Act well your part at your school. Be active in your theatre program or club.

  2. Be a leader in your theatre troupe/club.

  3. Become a Student Thespian Officer (STO). See the links below for the Handbook and Application.

  4. Come to Area and State Festival and participate - watch shows, go to workshops, enter performance or tech Thespys!

Student Thespian Officers (STO) represent the student voice at the state level where they assist with area and state festivals and other student leadership activities.

Students apply by December 31st for the next year. Announcements of successful applicants are made mid-February.




  • Check out the WV Handbook and the Thespy Guide (links to the right). 

  • Choose your category and follow all rules.

  • Check out the Rights & Licensing link to make sure your chosen play/show is allowable.

  • If Performance Thespy, practice and then tape your performance. Upload it to YouTube (public setting). Have your teacher/director submit it to OpenWater during the submission window.

  • If Tech Thespy, follow all directions to prepare your entry for your Area Festival. If you are named one of 3 Outstanding projects in your category, you advance to State!

  • At the state festival, if you receive a rating of Superior you can advance to the International Thespian Festival in most categories!

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