Student Information
How can you be involved?
Act well your part at your school. Be active in your theatre program or club.
Be a leader in your theatre troupe/club.
Become a Student Thespian Officer (STO). See the links below for the Handbook and Application.
Come to Area and State Festival and participate - watch shows, go to workshops, enter performance or tech Thespys!
Check out the WV Handbook and the Thespy Guide (links to the right). *The Guide will updated soon.
Choose your category and follow all rules.
Check out the Rights & Licensing link to make sure your chosen play/show is allowable.
If Performance Thespy, practice and then tape your performance. Upload it to YouTube (public setting). Have your teacher/director submit it to OpenWater during the submission window.
If Tech Thespy, follow all directions to prepare your entry for your Area Festival. If you are named one of 3 Outstanding projects in your category, you advance to State!
At the state festival, if you receive a rating of Superior you can advance to the International Thespian Festival in most categories!